Seventy-one days ago, I saw this post.
I read it.
I pressed the share button, wrote a little blurb and hit send.
For the rest of that day and every day since, I have intentionally worked toward seeing or cultivating good in the day.
Read MoreInspired Musings
Seventy-one days ago, I saw this post.
I read it.
I pressed the share button, wrote a little blurb and hit send.
For the rest of that day and every day since, I have intentionally worked toward seeing or cultivating good in the day.
Read Morehis year has been full to the brim with life and work, which I’m truly grateful for, but it also came with some challenges.
Amidst all this, I’ve got to be honest—I fell off the horse!
With everything happening, I stopped a number of routine things (this newsletter for one) and my meditation practice. And I don’t know about you, but when I fall off the horse, there is always so much resistance to getting back on.
A few weeks ago, I gave myself one of those harsh, guilt-driven pep talks: “Come on, don’t be a fraud. Practice what you preach. Sit down and meditate—just do it.”
Read MoreAs I laid my head on the pillow, I could feel the pull of sweet slumber. A few breaths, and then I felt a tinge, and then a niggle, of angst.
There was a time I would have settled into a few hours of mind-spinning, unhealthy thought-confirming mental acrobatics around this angst and the story I would create about it.
Through a practice of mindful presence, I now know that peace in life and fulfilled sleep will be elusive until I unpacked the issue and sit (in this case — lay) with the emotion underneath it.
With a few deep breaths, I asked the angst, “what is this about?” It took only a moment to surface. Earlier in the day, a colleague from a common group shared that the leadership was inviting them to explore a business opportunity. “Ok, there it is” I told myself, “their success is not your failure.” I rationalized, “I’m happy for them and the opportunity in front of them,” and I was. I could have left it at that, convincing myself that all was good.
Read MoreThe pile for this year’s reading list is remarkedly small and includes a couple of books that I listened to in 2021.
If you know me – you know I covet the annual stack of new books tucked beside my Christmas stocking (purchased by me).
For a number of years, I have read 3-4 books at a time; equally variously espousing my learnings. The consumption became an end in itself. Over time, the more I consumed, the less I integrated into my leadership practices and the more I was coming off rather soapbox and broken record-ish.
To live and demonstrate strong personal leadership, where we are at choice with our thoughts, requires the cultivation and practice of gratitude.
Check out my latest piece on Cultivating a Gratitude Attitude.
Read MoreThe beauty in fostering imperfection in family life and love.
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