Beauty In Imperfection
The ancient Japanese philosophy "wabi-sabi" focuses on finding beauty in imperfections. Scratches, marks, cracks and mistakes in furniture and decorative pieces are appreciated and viewed as beautiful.
These flawed vessels are often valued more than their “perfect” cousins.
Three years ago, my daughter Mikayla bought me this little Buddha.
She was so excited. She felt she had found the perfect gift, something that would be very meaningful to the self-development journey I was on.
It broke before she could gift it to me.
Mikayla searched many stores for another, with no luck.
A few days before Christmas she handed me a bag and said “Mommy, you can throw it away cause it is broken, but l want you to see what I was going to give you”.
I was filled with tears of love and appreciation for her, me and the universe.
I shared with her how meaningful this broken gift was to me – the value of it being broken and being perfect as it was.
This is one of the most treasured gifts I own. A daily reminder to celebrate the beauty in imperfection.