Florie Varga

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Slowing Down to Go Fast - Integration Is Key

The pile for this year’s reading list is remarkedly small and includes a couple of books that I listened to in 2021.

If you know me – you know I covet the annual stack of new books tucked beside my Christmas stocking (purchased by me). To me, this is the jackpot of jackpots. So, this year’s small pile is a significant change in approach.

As a coach, I’ve been obsessed with continuous learning, consuming depths of personal development and strategy teachings to share and support my clients.

For a number of years, I have read 3-4 books at a time; equally variously espousing my learnings. The consumption became an end in itself. Over time, the more I consumed, the less I integrated into my leadership practices and the more I was coming off rather soapbox and broken record-ish.

One of the many gifts of my 2021 brain injury was adapting to doing things differently. And one of the most salient new ways of doing (and being) was to slow down in all ways.

Interestingly, the result has been speeding up many things – like integrating into practice what I was learning.

So I think I am onto something… I am committed to continuing this trend.

'Slow down to speed up' (You might have heard this before).

I am committing to the study and practice the teachings from 4 books in 2022, two of which I have listened to once already.

  1. I will read each book twice (I may incorporate listening too for the different sensory uptake).

  2. With each chapter, I will reflect and journal on these questions:

    * What insight (edge) did I gain?
    * Where am I challenged to change from what I read, and how will I know I have?

  3. Once I see myself building new ways from my insights – then I will ask:
    *How can I authentically offer what I have integrated in leading others in their transformation?

These will be the gifts I bring forward. I am invigorated by this approach and eager to see its results.

How can you commit to what you want to integrate in 2022?