Lead Yourself Well


Lead Yourself Well

Fulfillment is borne when your inner expression brings your outer achievements to life.

Outstanding leaders are self-aware, emotionally intelligent and live in alignment with their values and desires. Leading yourself, first and foremost, takes courage, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. Unravelling from your past stories and how you act and react often needs another perspective to help you navigate this deeply transformational road of discovery. I will walk alongside you to:

Photo by EtiAmmos/iStock / Getty Images

Ready to Do Things Differently?

Being ourselves in a world constantly telling us to be someone else is a deeply courageous practice and our most significant contribution. It begins with knowing ourselves & taking aligned & conscious action.

We will be customize your coaching program to your specific needs and desires for growth. Topics routinely include a cross-section of:  


Building on who you truly are

  • Personal purpose and values identification

  • Strength (weakness) identification

  • Past-self/ Future-self exploration

  • Personal choice and desire setting

  • Personal leadership skills

  • Communications techniques and skills

  • Confidence building and self-promotion

  • Resiliency strategies

  • Work-life values and balance preferences

Finding new stories

  • Navigating transitions

  • Creating boundaries (no more people pleasing)

  • Anger and conflict management

  • Releasing Imposter Syndromes (how to let go and be whole)

  • Mindfulness in the face of challenge and change

  • Prompted awareness and gratitude

  • Clearing limiting / negative beliefs

  • Self-identity, integration and growth mindset

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
— Victor E Frankl