Florie Varga

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From Fear to Awakened Leadership

It's not the fear of the thing, or the doing, that keeps you stuck.

We hear all the time. "Go forward – act your way out of fear, fail, learn from the lessons". Without a doubt, action is the key ingredient to creating movement, change and growth.

You can’t think your way to these things.

But here is the other thing.

It's not the fear of the external event that has you stuck. And if left unaddressed, that fear will be knockin at the next level.

What has you stuck is the fear that the belief you have been championing in your mind is true.

These beliefs:

I am unworthy
I’m incompetent
I am faking it
I am incapable
I am unlovable
I am alone
If I am not X, people won't like me, value me or see me.
Fill in the blank yourself. I am _________

The fear is that if you move forward in action, you will confirm that belief!




In our unconscious quietest moments, we have convinced ourselves that the belief is real.

It's stuff you were told in childhood
It's stuff you told yourself as an adult
It's the results you have re-enforced by holding fast to that belief.
You generated patterns to support that belief.

But, when you feed the fear, you attract that which you fear:

If you put out that you are unlovable, you will attract those who are unloving.
If you believe you are incompetent or hyper-focused on being competent, you will never measure up to yourself (this is my jam) and maybe sabotage your success.
If you believe you aren’t worthy, you will strive and strive to prove it different – but always find ways to confirm your story

You keep feeding the fear by working your butt off to hide and protect yourself from the belief.
You feed the fear by striving to prove the belief wrong.

So how do you stop feeding the fear.

When fear sets in... take a moment. Breathe. Centre in the now. The only moment that is real.

Acknowledge the feeling, and then go deeper
Acknowledge the belief behind it - give compassion to its origin.
At one time, you came by this belief, honestly.

Ask: "Is this true today?”
Ask: "How else can I look at this?”

Release the energy around the belief
Create a new narrative, fostering a belief.

Ask, "What is one step I can take to move forward in my new belief?"

In my case around competency - the facts are: there isn't much I can't do! Not a bad place to fail forward from!!!

Now act... Create new ways of being at new levels!

This is transformation
This is awakened leadership.